Introducing the Declaration online events

In a world awash with data, the ability to make the right decisions regarding the use of data becomes increasingly more complex and difficult. Our capacity to create, collect and analyse data from disparate sources, using advances such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, creates challenges that are not only technical, but legal and ethical too.

Co-designed by Open Data Manchester with expert practitioners from public, private, academic, civil-society and voluntary organisations, the Declaration for Responsible and Intelligent Data Practice seeks to differentiate ‘the good’ from ‘the bad’ among those that use data.

We’re running a series of online events in November to introduce the declaration. In these sessions, Open Data Manchester’s CEO Julian Tait will explore:

  • What the Declaration for Responsible and Intelligent Data Practice is
  • Why we need a shared vision for data across Greater Manchester
  • How it was developed and what the next steps are
  • How you can get involved.

There’ll also be time to answer any other questions you might have.

Dates and times for the sessions are:

  • Tuesday 3rd November 2020, 1-2pm GMT
  • Thursday 12th November 2020, 4-5pm GMT
  • Wednesday 18th November 2020, 4-5pm
  • Friday 27th November 2020, 1-2pm.


Note – this is a repeat of the events we previously held in October and will cover the same conent.